How Do You Tell If You Need a Wide or Extra Wide Shoe

When selecting an accurate pair of shoes for sizing, length is vital. If your shoes are too loose or tight across the foot top, it causes chafing or other problems. Hence, telling your salesman to show you the right pair is vital. But how do you tell if you need a wide or extra wide shoe? However, it is not easy to guide anyone regarding unique things. So, you must know your size and the terms that can simplify your task.

Some secrets can make your sizing process simple for you. It is vital to learn about them so that it will be easier to describe your correct size. The key to finding the best shoes is to focus on the type of shoes and design according to your foot type.

Ways to Tell About the Size of the Shoes

Shaping the requirement for wide or extra wide shoes needs comfort and fit. You must focus on discomfort while putting on shoes, visible bulging, toes feeling cramped, or other problems. You need a bigger size if your boots cause pain, pinch, and rub around the sides and toes. Look for irritation marks or redness after wearing shoes. Some other ways will guide you on how do you tell if you need a wide or extra wide shoe.

  • Know Your Foot Arch Type

Understanding your arch type is vital when buying shoes since higher arches need more support. To know about your hook, you should go for the wet test. Step into a shallow pan and place your foot on a dry sheet. You will get a footprint and match it to the foot arch card.

Foot arch refers to its structure along the foot bottom, low, medium, and high. A more pronounced curve means you display a high arch curve. Medium arches are balanced and support the body weight evenly. 

Flat feet of low arches lead to inward rolling while walking. People with high arches need cushioning in their shoes for a balanced gait. Thus, it is vital to learn about the foot arch; then, it will be easier to describe the proper sizing. Most people can choose the right shoes for their extra wide feet.

  • Measure Foot Length and Width

Next comes the correct measurement. For this purpose, you need to use a measuring tape or a ruler. Place the heel against the wall and mark the longest toe’s tip for length. It will give you a precise foot length—wrap tape around the broader side of the foot to measure the width. Do not ignore the ball of the foot. You must wrap the tape around this area for the correct width.

The right size of the shoes depends on your correct measurement. If you buy shoes according to the measurements, these are amazingly helpful and comfortable. The lightweight makes it an unquestionable requirement to have a thing in your closet. Fit to your feet is the savvy highlight of this footwear. Offering a simple running style and a wide choice as indicated by your foot type is wonderful.

  • Check for Callus, corns, and Blister.

If you wear a tight or small size, you will have blisters, corns, and calluses. It is vital to check for all these things after wearing the shoes. The small fluid-filled sacs are blisters and appear due to the friction caused by ill-fitting shoes. 

Calluses and corns are hard skin that appears due to pressure or rubbing. If you have these signs on your feet because of your old pair of shoes, then you must buy the big shoes. So, you can tell the bigger size from the older one.

  • Do You Have Imprints or Discoloration?

If you have these marks on your feet, it indicates improper footwear size. This is a sign of tightness or pressure points on the skin. Check for indentation or visible lines along the sides or top of the foot. These lines appear when the shoe is too tight. These signs can help you learn about the right foot size. You need wider and bigger shoes than the older ones.


How do you tell if you need a wide or extra wide shoe? If you follow the above steps, then you can easily describe your shoe size. All the fashionable shoes are designed with a modern style and come with flexible and scalable soles. 

It is highly useful for those who face the problem of flat feet syndrome. It makes your experience unforgettable and walking. These are very easy to use and comfortable for the majority of the users.

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