Is It Ok To Sleep In A Recliner Every Night

If you own a recliner in your house, you must have faced one thing that might drive you here today. In most cases, it is your position where you get settled underneath a warm blanket while watching television on your recliner chair. And while relaxing inside something extremely comfortable, your bedroom will eventually start looking quite far, for which you may consider sleeping at the same spot.  

This single thing can make many wonder whether it is ok to sleep in a recliner every night or not, as on the internet, nowadays, there are multiple sources spreading awareness regarding such chairs. But luckily, today, in this post, we have jotted down the on-point answer to this question while informing you about its side effects and solutions. Keep reading!

So, Can You Sleep In A Recliner At Night?

The quite simple yet direct answer to this question is YES. You can sleep in a recliner the whole night. But to make this happen, there are a few things that you might need to keep in your head before spending too much time on such chairs. And following that, below, we have listed all the side effects, and solutions, with some facts for you all. Take a look.

Side Effects Of Sleeping On A Recliner Every Night: 

Sleeping on a recliner every night can cause multiple side effects on your body. Firstly, it can make your hips appear and feel tighter, and in addition to that, you will have to face calves and hamstrings. Furthermore, laying on your recliner every day for quality time can affect your posture, which is legitimately wrong for your backbone and head structure. 

Solutions To Prevent Your Health – Even After Spending A Quality Time On Your Recliner Everyday:

Talking about the solutions to prevent yourself and your health from the above-listed side effects is simple. First things first, avoid any RANDOM position that might sound comfortable at first but later cause issues with your health. For instance, if you are used to sitting straight, you might end up taking a worm-shape when you lay down on a recliner. So to avoid it, try to sit evenly – in a reclining shape. 

Secondly, use extra pillows on your leg area and on the back if needed. This will help you to sit and sleep more evenly yet comfortably. 

Top Best Facts To Know About Sleeping On A Recliner

Here we will list the top facts to know about sleeping on a recliner that medical experts have shared with the media so far:

1: Sleeping on a recliner can improve your blood circulation. This is beneficial in many ways, including for your skin, breathing, and taking part in physical activities. 

2: On the second fact, we got this back pain relief thing that can surely do wonders. Not only in physical life but also in the realm of mental peace and less stress. 

3: Lastly, we got a downfall about sleeping on a recliner, which is blood clotting. This can be harmful in many ways. For instance, it can harm your brain, can increase stress levels, and might harm your back.  

Summing Up!

Sleeping in a recliner has nothing to do with your health unless you are not using it properly. Your positions, sheets, and many other things matter, from which multiple items we have listed above alongside their solutions. Furthermore, we have informed you about a few lesser-known facts regarding sleeping on a recliner that medical experts have studied so far – we hope you guys liked it!

Anyway, to get your further doubts and questions clear, make sure to share your remarks in the comment box below!

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q: Why do I sleep better in my recliner than in my bed?

It is the shape of the recliner that makes you feel better at night and the comfort it gives to the backbone and head that makes sleeping in a recliner a comfortable experience. 

Q: Is it OK for the elderly to sleep in a recliner?

Yes, it is OK to sleep in a recliner. You just have to make sure that it’s not hurting your backbone.

Q: What is the best way to sleep in a recliner?

Put a pillow under your legs before sleeping in a recliner to make it more comfortable for your bones. But in case you are an overweight person, you can easily sit on such chairs without any pillow support. 

Q: Is a recliner good for your body?

A recliner is good for your body in many ways, which includes the benefits of reducing your body pain, increasing blood flow, and preventing your body from swelling. 

Q: Are recliners good for your back?

Recliners are specially designed for your back. They cure your back pain and are also beneficial for you if you recently had surgery. 

Q: Can recliners cause blood clots?

According to studies, if you overuse recliners, they can cause blood clots. So try not to use such chairs for a long time. 

Q: Are recliners good for blood circulation?

Yes. Recliners are definitely good for blood circulation, but make sure that you are not spending too much time on them, as the same chairs can cause blood clots as well. 

Q: Does sleep position affect aging?

Yes. And as per the statements of Dr. Vasyukevic, the supine position is the best to stay youthful with fresh skin. 

Q: Is it better to sit upright or recline?

Medical experts tell us to avoid sitting upright, as it can cause back pain, so better try to sit in a reclined shape to stay relaxed. 

Q: Can I use my recliner for more than fifteen years?

To be honest, a recliner can’t last more than seven or fifteen years, but in case your reclining chair is still working the same as the day you purchased it, keep taking care of it the same way while using it for as long as you want.

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